About us

Crafting Experiences, Connecting Journeys

Welcome to Harmony Travels, where we believe that every journey is an opportunity to create memories, forge connections, and explore the beauty of our world. Established with a passion for travel and a commitment to excellence, we are more than just a travel company – we are your partners in curating unforgettable experiences that enrich your life.

Bhupendra Sanghavi is the Founder & Head of Harmony Travels and Harmony Aviation. He has more than 22 years of experience in the Aviation & Airlines industry. Being a veteran, he is well-networked in the industry, including airlines, aviation, and consulate. His industry experience and reach enables him to offer world-class services in the domain.

Canadian Aviation College is amongst the best Flight Training colleges in Canada.

With its training facility located at the Pitt Meadows Airport Airpark, the college boasts about its modernized facility and professionally designed interiors built to create a conducive learning environment for aspiring pilots to allow them to complete their training promptly & to the highest standards

CAC is a student-oriented college & aims at bringing the best learning experience. In this pursuit, the college employs aviation veterans to train the students.

What Sets Us Apart

*Personalized Service*: We understand that no two travelers are the same. We take the time to understand your preferences, interests, and expectations, allowing us to tailor your journey to perfection.

*Expertise*: With years of industry experience, we are well-equipped to offer expert advice, recommend hidden gems, and guide you towards the best possible travel choices.

*Global Network*: Our extensive network of partners, suppliers, and contacts spans the globe, granting us access to exclusive deals, unique experiences, and insider knowledge.

*Quality Assurance*: We are committed to delivering the highest quality of service at every step of your journey. Our attention to detail ensures that every element of your travel experience is carefully curated.

*Passion for Exploration*: Just like you, we are passionate about exploring new horizons and embracing the thrill of discovery. Our genuine love for travel fuels our dedication to making your journeys extraordinary.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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